Easter Food Baskets

Easter Food Basket 2025_web

This Easter season you can help provide a box of nutritious food for families in Whitmore Lake facing food insecurity. There are several family-friendly ways to participate. Contact Rev. Jon Reynolds, jon@brightonfumc.org.

  • Wednesday, April 9 (10:15 am): Meet at Kroger in Brighton with your car/truck or SUV to help us pick up the grocery order, then transport the groceries to the Whitmore Lake Campus. Help set up for food basket packing.
  • Thursday, April 10 (7-8 pm): Help pack 40 food baskets. Work by yourself, with a partner or as a family.
  • Friday, April 11: Place phone calls to food basket recipients letting them know when their food will be delivered, or when they can come to pick up the food at the church on Saturday March 23.
  • Saturday, April 12 (9:45 am): Help distribute the Easter Food Baskets. We need 5 drivers to deliver the food boxes to families in the Whitmore Lake community. Two people (or families) are needed to stay at the church to distribute the Food Baskets to those recipients that will be picking them up.

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