The Breakfast Program at St Andrews

First United Methodist Church provides volunteers for the Breakfast Program at St. Andrews in Ann Arbor. The Breakfast Program at St. Andrew’s (Ann Arbor) serves between 90 and 150 meals daily. Guests include the young and old. They arrive as individuals or in groups. Some are homeless or struggling with addiction or mental illness, but most are working men and women who are trying to make ends meet. Volunteers may prepare hot food, set up serving stations, serve food to guests, clear trays, wash and dry dishes and clean up the kitchen. Depart Brighton at 6 am (or meet at St. Andrews at 7 am). Tasks are completed by 9 am.

Next opportunities to serve:

2025: April 26, May 24, June 21, July 19

Five to six volunteers (ages 13 and up) are needed each time, contact Bill Drabing.
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